Chrome search history by date
Chrome search history by date

chrome search history by date

I have already tried this page, but still can`t get Date-Time/ complete link information. It was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android, where it is the default browser.

chrome search history by date

It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, built with free software components from Apple WebKit and Mozilla Firefox.

chrome search history by date chrome search history by date

You can click right on the graphs, so if you want to know what sites or how many sites you view at 10pm it will give you the stats for and compare each day of the week for the total for all 3 months or for a given week.I`m trying to create a script that will retrieve all my browser history, the problem is that I cant make it work with the exact link and the date-time that the website was visited. You can use the +Filter by date & product option below Search to filter your history by dates and various Google products (see the screenshot below). Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google. It gives data for individual things like domains, url's, unique urls, percentage of visits to a certain site, number of visits total for a day or for all three months, has a list of top ten busiest days, gives daily stats average and median sites visited, there are several bar and pie graphs showing things like transition types, number of visits per month compared to each other, number of visits per each day of the month or day of the week and even the time of day! It lets you view the previous 3 months worth of data with lots of various filters to refine the results, and also breaks it down by day (and you don't have to go through a bunch of dates to get to the one you want.) I found the "history trends" extension (by Randy Lauen) for Google Chrome in the "Chrome Web Store" extremely helpful!

Chrome search history by date